--s fucking cold out here, I should have brought a scarf or something.
As if a scarf is gonna help you underwater! Haha.
Ha, yeah, hold on, lemme throw on my snorkeling scarf real quick before I dive into five hundred square feet of freezing ocean.
We're already at the beach. You're the one who chose to come here, so quit bitching about it!
I'm not bitching. Is the recorder on?
Yes. Whoops. I think they caught the tail end of the snorkel scarf conversation.
We'll edit it out in post. [clears throat] Welcome, viewers, to That's Pretty Wild, a podcast broadcast to you live from the most dangerous and strange expeditions this side of the coast!
Literally! (Haha.)
I'm ██████ and the really annoying voice next to me
Fuck you!
is ████. We're here investigating the recent cryptid sightings around the local beach areas, the ones we talked about last episode.
And don't worry! It's gonna be much more interesting than us walking around an abandoned old house for half an hour.
Hey, shut up about that!
You see, ██████ here is really bad at finding haunted places. We were promised a ghost or two, at least a specter. But the most exciting thing that happened was him running into a spiderweb!
Shut up.
Hahaha! Make me.
[loud thump, presumably from ██████ hitting ████.]
You asked for it, man.
You're such an asshole. Anyway, ██████, can you tell us why exactly we're here?
Oh, you know, the usual. Cryptid sightings, mermaid reports, angels, the like. Very run-of-the-mill rural beachtown shit. But someone actually got some convincing-looking footage, so I thought what the hell, why not check it out?